When being located in a corporate environment (internal network), it is sometimes interesting to know if there are ports that are not outbound filtered, or in other words, if there is a hole where an attacker could connect to the outside world (damn perimeter-security). For example Apple products need port 5223 to be open for push notifications. So if the iPhones and iPads of managers should work, you have to open that outbound port 😀 . Of course you can simply chose one of those ports for your reverse shell when you take over one of their web servers in a later step. So what’s the easiest way to check if there is an open port, apart from knowing that they use the Apple push notification?
The following script can be run on every server, that has a public IP and Python/Scapy installed. When this script is running, it will send back a TCP SYN/ACK to every SYN coming from outside. It doesn’t matter which port. So if you do a NMAP SYN-Scan (-sS switch), all ports will be shown as open. Unless the corporate firewall between you and the server is blocking the SYN probes. So simply do a nmap SYN-Scan from the internal network of the company to the server and each open port is an open outbound port (unless there is some more filtering active such as deep packet inspection).
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- DEBUG_ON=False def ack-all-happy-scappy(): from scapy.all import sniff, send, Ether, IP, TCP import os ################# #CONFIG OPTIONS ################# #Standard options my_ip = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" #your external IP my_interface = "eth0" exclude_ports = ["22"] # Exclude ports, that already have a service running 22 = SSH, DEBUG_ON = False #Advanced options static_seq = 1337 #Specify as None for random seq number start_iptables_command = "iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP" end_iptables_command = "iptables -D OUTPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP" ################# #CONFIG END ################# #Actual code start if os.geteuid() != 0: info("You must be root to run this script.") sys.exit(1) info("##################################") info("The ACK-ALL-HAPPY-SCAPY script, written by floyd") info("This script can only be used with SYN-scans (nmap -sS)") info("Altough untested, this should work as well for IPv6") info("##################################") sleep(3) info("This is how the IPTABLES looked, before starting ACK-ALL-HAPPY-SCAPY:") executeInShell("iptables -L") def getSeqNumber(): if static_seq: return static_seq else: import random return random.randint(1,4294967295) def handleEachSyn(synpacket): if DEBUG_ON: debug("IN:") synpacket.display() ethlen = len(Ether()) iplen = len(IP()) synpacket_raw = str(synpacket) i = IP(synpacket_raw[ethlen:]) t = TCP(synpacket_raw[ethlen + iplen:]) f = IP(src=i.dst, dst=i.src)/TCP(sport=t.dport, dport=t.sport, ack=t.seq+1, seq=getSeqNumber()) if DEBUG_ON: debug("OUT:") f.display() send(f) try: #Setup info("Executing now:", start_iptables_command) executeInShell(start_iptables_command) info("Done!") #Work not_port_filter = " and not port "+" and not port ".join(exclude_ports) filter_string = 'tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn) != 0 and tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-ack) = 0 and dst '+my_ip+not_port_filter info("Using filter ", filter_string) info("Waiting for your scans on tcp ports 1-65535, except "+", ".join(exclude_ports)+", where already a real service should be waiting") info("Start your scan with: sudo nmap -PN -sS -p 1-65535 "+my_ip) sniff(filter=filter_string, iface=my_interface, prn=handleEachSyn) except KeyboardInterrupt: #Restoring info() info("You pressed Ctrl+C... please wait, restoring IPTABLES") info("Executing now:", end_iptables_command) for i in range(3): executeInShell(end_iptables_command) info("This is how the IPTABLES looks, after finishing ACK-ALL-HAPPY-SCAPY:") executeInShell("iptables -L") def executeInShell(command): import subprocess process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True) process.wait() def sleep(seconds): import time time.sleep(seconds) def info(*text): print "[PY-INFO] "+str(" ".join(str(i) for i in text)) def debug(*text): if DEBUG_ON: print "[PY-DEBUG] "+str(" ".join(str(i) for i in text)) main()
Today it shouldn’t be a big problem to start this script on your server, even when you can’t use your corporate network internet access. Just use your mobile phone to connect to the server and start the script.
Btw, Scapy is one of the most amazing Python libraries I’ve ever seen. Extremely powerful.