Android app configuration manipulation

So you got an Android application and you would like to temper with its configuration files? Nothing easier than that as long as you have a rooted Android phone, a sqlite editor and a text editor.

I only wanted to temper with the databases of the app. I used this script ( to get the databases:

APP_UID=`adb shell dumpsys package $APP|grep userId=|cut -d " " -f 5|cut -d "=" -f 2`
#after first run, maybe hardcode, so you can also push files when Android is still starting up and before the app started:
echo "[+] Removing local folder"
rm -r ./$APP-databases
echo "[+] The applications UID and GID is:"
echo $APP_UID
echo "[+] Copying database to tmp dir"
adb shell "su -c cp -r /data/data/$APP/databases $TMP/$APP-databases"
echo "[+] chmoding tmp dir to 777"
adb shell "su -c chmod -R 777 $TMP/$APP-databases"
echo "[+] Pulling database"
adb pull $TMP/$APP-databases $APP-databases
echo "[+] Removing database in tmp"
adb shell "su -c rm -r $TMP/$APP-databases"

You might need to change the cut commands, as they might not work in every case. Then, to upload the databases back to the phone, use this script (

APP_UID=`adb shell dumpsys package $APP|grep userId=|cut -d " " -f 5|cut -d "=" -f 2`
#after first run, maybe hardcode, so you can also push files when Android is still starting up and before the app started:
echo "[+] The applications UID and GID is:"
echo $APP_UID
echo "[+] Pushing to tmp dir"
adb push $APP-databases $TMP/$APP-databases
echo "[+] Copying from tmp to app dir"
adb shell "su -c cp -pr $TMP/$APP-databases/* /data/data/$APP/databases/"
#cp -p  doesn't seem to preserver mode, but sets it to 666
echo "[+] chmoding app dir"
#attention: 777, easy way out, but databases might have different flags...
adb shell "su -c chmod -R 777 /data/data/$APP/databases"
adb shell "su -c chmod 771 /data/data/$APP/databases"
echo "[+] removing tmp database"
adb shell "su -c rm -r $TMP/$APP-databases"
#cp -p doesn't seem to preserve owner, but sets it to shell
echo "[+] chowning app dir"
adb shell "su -c chown $APP_UID.$APP_UID /data/data/$APP/databases"
adb shell "su -c chown $APP_UID.$APP_UID /data/data/$APP/databases/*"

If you want to get the entire configuration of the app, you can use this script (

APP_UID=`adb shell dumpsys package $APP|grep userId=|cut -d " " -f 5|cut -d "=" -f 2`
#after first run, maybe hardcode, so you can also push files when Android is still starting up and before the app started:
echo "[+] Removing local folder"
rm -r ./$APP
echo "[+] The applications UID and GID is:"
echo $APP_UID
echo "[+] Copying app dir to tmp dir"
adb shell "su -c cp -r /data/data/$APP $TMP/$APP"
echo "[+] chmoding tmp dir to 777"
adb shell "su -c chmod -R 777 $TMP/$APP"
echo "[+] Pulling app dir from tmp"
adb pull $TMP/$APP $APP
echo "[+] Removing app dir in tmp"
adb shell "su -c rm -r $TMP/$APP"

As I didn’t need to push the entire app configuration, I didn’t write a script. That could get messy with the permissions and I didn’t want to do a chmod 777. But of course you can do that if you like.

These simple scripts got me some really nice results during pentests. Activate apps that I only had in the free version. Reset the app’s PIN lock count. Disable ads showing in the application.

Extracting Windows Hashes

Extracting Windows hashes for password cracking is pretty basic, right? If you try to copy the SAM and SYSTEM file from C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\ on a running Windows 2003 server you get an error message, saying that it’s already in use. So before you start using shadowcopies or ntbackup or any other tools, consider just copying C:\WINDOWS\repair\SAM and SYSTEM. Basically the same files, altough it seems that the repair folder is not always up to date.

Update: There is some more research going on pauldotcom.