So you got an Android application and you would like to temper with its configuration files? Nothing easier than that as long as you have a rooted Android phone, a sqlite editor and a text editor.
I only wanted to temper with the databases of the app. I used this script ( to get the databases:
APP_UID=`adb shell dumpsys package $APP|grep userId=|cut -d " " -f 5|cut -d "=" -f 2`
#after first run, maybe hardcode, so you can also push files when Android is still starting up and before the app started:
echo "[+] Removing local folder"
rm -r ./$APP-databases
echo "[+] The applications UID and GID is:"
echo $APP_UID
echo "[+] Copying database to tmp dir"
adb shell "su -c cp -r /data/data/$APP/databases $TMP/$APP-databases"
echo "[+] chmoding tmp dir to 777"
adb shell "su -c chmod -R 777 $TMP/$APP-databases"
echo "[+] Pulling database"
adb pull $TMP/$APP-databases $APP-databases
echo "[+] Removing database in tmp"
adb shell "su -c rm -r $TMP/$APP-databases"
You might need to change the cut commands, as they might not work in every case. Then, to upload the databases back to the phone, use this script (
APP_UID=`adb shell dumpsys package $APP|grep userId=|cut -d " " -f 5|cut -d "=" -f 2`
#after first run, maybe hardcode, so you can also push files when Android is still starting up and before the app started:
echo "[+] The applications UID and GID is:"
echo $APP_UID
echo "[+] Pushing to tmp dir"
adb push $APP-databases $TMP/$APP-databases
echo "[+] Copying from tmp to app dir"
adb shell "su -c cp -pr $TMP/$APP-databases/* /data/data/$APP/databases/"
#cp -p doesn't seem to preserver mode, but sets it to 666
echo "[+] chmoding app dir"
#attention: 777, easy way out, but databases might have different flags...
adb shell "su -c chmod -R 777 /data/data/$APP/databases"
adb shell "su -c chmod 771 /data/data/$APP/databases"
echo "[+] removing tmp database"
adb shell "su -c rm -r $TMP/$APP-databases"
#cp -p doesn't seem to preserve owner, but sets it to shell
echo "[+] chowning app dir"
adb shell "su -c chown $APP_UID.$APP_UID /data/data/$APP/databases"
adb shell "su -c chown $APP_UID.$APP_UID /data/data/$APP/databases/*"
If you want to get the entire configuration of the app, you can use this script (
APP_UID=`adb shell dumpsys package $APP|grep userId=|cut -d " " -f 5|cut -d "=" -f 2`
#after first run, maybe hardcode, so you can also push files when Android is still starting up and before the app started:
echo "[+] Removing local folder"
rm -r ./$APP
echo "[+] The applications UID and GID is:"
echo $APP_UID
echo "[+] Copying app dir to tmp dir"
adb shell "su -c cp -r /data/data/$APP $TMP/$APP"
echo "[+] chmoding tmp dir to 777"
adb shell "su -c chmod -R 777 $TMP/$APP"
echo "[+] Pulling app dir from tmp"
adb pull $TMP/$APP $APP
echo "[+] Removing app dir in tmp"
adb shell "su -c rm -r $TMP/$APP"
As I didn’t need to push the entire app configuration, I didn’t write a script. That could get messy with the permissions and I didn’t want to do a chmod 777. But of course you can do that if you like.
These simple scripts got me some really nice results during pentests. Activate apps that I only had in the free version. Reset the app’s PIN lock count. Disable ads showing in the application.