Ever been Rick Roll’d by Google? How does this link look like?
Credit goes to Marshall Whittaker, see http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2010/Jul/188.
The technique behind it is quite simple:
1. Find a Google query that shows your desired page on top. With query modifiers like intitle: inurl: site: it’s quite easy
2. Construct a Google URL to send a “I’m Feeling Lucky” query
3. Percent encode your Google query from 1 and the button name (“‘I’m Feeling Lucky”) to obfuscate
4. Prepend your Google query with a lot of %20 to fool the browser URL preview in the footer. Hovering over the link will not show the percent decoded URL!
Update: The Google query was additionally appended with %20, so it looks the same in Firefox 5
414. That’s an error.
The requested URL /search… is too large to process. That’s all we know.
It worked back in 2010. I’m sure you’ll find some other nice new tricks online. Like this one that is totally unrelated.
Haha, found this searching my name. Google has simply changed the length of the query. If you take out a few %20s you can still get it to work. I later learned this bug is called an ‘open’ redirect, not ‘auto’ as previously stated in my FD post I believe. Try this:
Looks like Floyd’s wordpress rearranged my code. Should look like:
It’s possible to make the link even shorter